Guitar Repair and Building Program Coursework
• Woods & Materials
What goes into making a fine musical instrument? Beyond the beauty of fine tonewoods, it is important to understand wood technology and how a tree is processed to be stable enough for use in musical instruments. Tonal considerations guide the guitar maker to select the finest grade and species of wood combinations to achieve a particular sound and feel.
What sorts of glue are used in the industry and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Learning about adhesives is important to not only the guitar maker but also the technician responsible for maintaining, repairing and restoring instruments.
In Guitar Acoustics and Guitar Set-up Lecture students are introduced to the wood species, adhesives and other materials involved in the repairing and construction of musical instruments. It is essential to remember that the Intro to Tools class is a prerequisite for continuing in the Guitar Repair and Building course and runs the first four weeks of the year.